日立公司副总裁兼首席执行官Ryuichi Otsuki讨论了其所在组织与塔塔咨询服务之间的关系多年以来是如何演变的,以及TCS在支持日立公司业务增长中所扮演的角色。
"TCS has truly been a committed partner in all aspects of the partnership, including in the areas of our alliances and joint solutions."
—— Ryuichi Otsuki, Vice President and Executive Officer, Hitachi Ltd.
Hitachi Ltd. is a Japanese multinational conglomerate headquartered in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan. It is a highly diversified company with 11 business segments, including: information and telecommunications systems, social infrastructure, high-performance materials and components, financial services, power systems, electronic systems and equipment, automotive systems, railways and urban systems, digital media and consumer products, construction machinery, and other components and systems.
Ryuichi discussed how Tata Consultancy Services established a global finance and accounting (F&A) shared services centre and how it enabled Hitachi to improve efficiency and standardise processes through IT automation.
Ryuichi also talked about the working style and team-oriented approach of TCS. Ryuichi mentioned that “TCS has worked with Hitachi to prototype innovative solutions to solve business problems faced by clients in the fields of utilities, finance, telecommunications, healthcare, etc.”