Illness,accidents,hospitalisation,things we'd rather not think about. But When they happen,it is comforting to know you are insured. in Belguim,health insurance is part of the Social Security Everyone has to have health insurance and must join an accredited health insurance fund. Christian Mutuality CM is one of the biggest health insurance organisation in Belguim. We execute the mandatory Social Security for the government.but additionally we offer also health insurance products to our members. one of the five Belgain people has a facultative product form CM. Our origin is more than 100 years ago, where in local communities engaged citizens and volunteers organise themselves and their solidarity within their community. As a non profit organization, we want to deliver the best products to our members and also a very good excellent service. By doing that with a low operational cost , we can reinvest financial benefits into that product and into the service to our members. The challenge we were facing a few years back was related to the fact that those complimentary insurance were run from different legacy applications. Customers impact was that the processes were different,but customer experiecne was also very different from onr region to another. In 2012,we started the journey with TCS. There were two main drivers. On one hand,excellent customer experience. On the other hand we were looking for a maximum automation in our processes. well,our decentralised way of working made it impossible for us ti automate processes and therefore TCS has implemented web-based centralised insurance software solution. it's a single end to end platform with all our products configured. The biggest challenge was to migrate from individual policy towards 1 mutualistic family policy while keeping the data that came from various legacy systems intact. That we could assure that the data quality stays,that our users can still use the application. The biggest achievement is that it's now centralised that we have one platform where all mutualities can work on. They have the same business processes. we were able to automate those business processes such as the processing of claims. we were able to also give a platform to our members using the CM Portal and CM App. Thanks to the new platform, our members are really self reliant. Now with the insurance product and with a higher automation of our processes,we reach also a better customer experience. With the TCS platform,we can manage all products and processes in our organization. That's the case for the policy and claims part,but also for the financial reporting and reports for management. Digitalisation and automatisation were two big goals in our business road map. We achieved that and so we can transfer a team of 40 colloaborators from claims handling to customer services. with the 10 years of collaboration with TCS,we have now ATCS banks platform that can manage all our products and process in our organization contribution of the well being and health of our members.