Rewards programs help retain customer loyalty and reduce the costs of new customer acquisition. Often used to educate members about new offers, they are an extension of a brand's online presence. Personalized experiences make customers feel that their brand of choice knows them well, and reward points are an effective way to prove this. Reward points are typically offered by banks to their customers for usage of credit or debit cards, as well as by large merchants or retail chains on purchases made in their stores or portal. The primary objective of rewards programs are to ensure customer loyalty and to incentivize further spends through utilization of these points. However, existing rewards programs come with a number of inefficiencies, including a basic lack of fungibility of reward points. A customer cannot use them for purchases at an online store or a grocery supermarket, and is instead forced to redeem the points with the institution which issued them, something that may not always be possible or meaningful. For the customer, issuers of reward points also face challenges since each of them need to maintain systems to track reward points issued to each customer or member and also need to deal with reconciliation issues. As a result of delayed settlement and lack of real time availability of reward point balances, unused reward points are also treated as liabilities in the issuer's balance sheet, thus posing further complications. Introducing TCS Blockchain solution chords. The court's suite of solutions are built on the philosophy of coexistence, integration, and interoperability. The Courts reward solution helps create a powerful ecosystem leveraging blockchain in which issuers of reward points, for example, banks, merchants, and so forth, and the acquirer or payment processor can operate as nodes. Each participating user can maintain information pertaining to their customers or members and their reward point balances on the blockchain, the acquirer, or payment. Processor can facilitate use of reward points across a vast chain of issuers. Thus providing flexibility to the customer in using the points. A combination of reward points as well as funds can be accrued and redeemed seamlessly on blockchain, providing the customer the freedom to purchase goods or services that he or she wants, including a next Gen. digital solution for reward points management. Courts manages the real time accrual of points and funds, as well as redemption and instant settlement. The solution streamlines the way reward points are managed, delivering the court's advantage. Courts for Reimagining Your Business Leveraging the Power of Blockchain.