So my name is Bob Stutz on the Corporate Vice President for the CRM family of products at Microsoft. So personally, I've had an engagement with TCS for about 20 plus years and about two years ago we decided to engage TCS to help us build a new product. TCS was really selected because we knew that they had the right talent, the right motivation to help us do what we needed to get done and the customers to help guide us along. You know what we were doing and how we wanted to get it done. So our engagement together over especially over the last 18 months, one of both building the product but also going to market with the product has paid off with numerous business enhancements for us. We have a large global GSI who's capable of doing large implementations for us, who's trusted, has a good name brand in the marketplace and it really helps us to be successful with our product. Yeah, I think that the most challenging business problem was time to market and TCS stepped in and. And as a partner helped us out to deliver product to the market in a very short time period where market time to market was really critical for us for several products that they've helped us with including our marketing product. With TCS in them as our partner, we we've always been on time, we've delivered on quality and we've been delivering within the prescribed budget that was set out to build the product. So TCS has been a very committed partner with us working side by side, always evaluating what we're doing, looking at the talent that they've provided, making sure that we always have the right talent to get done what we're trying to build. But also on the going to market side as well as partnering on certain deals and engagements. We always they they've always been a great partner in making sure that we have the right team for the right engagement and it's paid off very well for us. Because they've made an investment in us the same way we've made an investment in them. It is a true partnership. At the end of the day, we have a pretty aggressive schedule and they've been able to always meet our schedule and always been able to provide the right resources when we need them and very quickly really have to say that as a partner, TCS is always looking at us and trying to figure out how can they help us more and the partnership we have and what they do for us on a daily basis really helps us to be successful. In our business and their commitment to us as a partner has been above and beyond any other partner that I've dealt with in my years in this business. We have a very open relationship where one team and we have frequent regular meetings starting at the top with Chandra and myself going all the way down to the working level with every one of our teams because we talk all the time and we're one team. We're always In Sync with each other, so they're always ahead of the game for us. We don't have to go to them. They're always there, ready to OfferUp what we what they think we need next. So their leadership has been really good, especially in the development. With us because they've they've helped us, they've been very innovative with us. They've brought new ideas to help us improve the product to do a much better job and that has helped us to put out a better product in the marketplace.