Life sciences companies are striving to transform on 3 dimensions, scale, scope and speed. Digitalization is a necessity for these companies to achieve their goals. Putting its customers, health and well-being at the core of its vision, J&J embarked on a transformation journey. We are the largest broad based. Pharmaceutical, medical device and Consumer products Healthcare Company. Our mission is keep people well at every stage of their life. Manual processes, multiple data sources and vendor dependencies were limiting J&J's potential. There are so many data sources system in J&J we have as many. Applications. As our employee, that kind of a system and the history is not. Going to be easy to tackle the embarked on a transformation journey focused on revolutionizing its manufacturing process with IT enabled solutions to deliver improved quality products to patients. I need find a partner we bring TCS to create the journey of digital transformation, but also as a strategic partner to actually create our digital strategy and our technology stack together. To execute this vision, J&J partnered with TCS to create a new IoT architecture and platforms for monitoring environmental. Conditions of manufacturing facilities, connecting instruments and managing real time data collection, alerting and reporting tracking condition of equipment. TCS helps reduce the release time from 35 days to two hours. Leveraging data and AI. ML what we've created is valid cutting edge technology. We based on the common external technology and open source solution that is vendor agnostic as well as the hardware agnostic we could. Connect all kinds of hardware such as sensors, temperature, pressure, humidity, current. So that is really a hard moment. You are changing from a vendor specific solution to a self-service solution. We also utilize data for optimization. You combine those technology together, you create solution to digitize the business that reduce the human error, that reduce the inconsistency. Through the history of data, we could reduce our release time from upto 35 days to couple of hour. That's the value. The spirit of innovation, spare of invention and new technology is focused on improving the customer care, improved the customer experience to improved the customer outcome. That is what we are striving to do. That's why.