Hello, this is Anupam Singhal. I am the President and Business group head from manufacturing at TCS. I'm here at NVIDIA GTC where the AI is taken to physical AI as I was shaking hand with one of my robotic colleague and it's not days, not too far then you would see at your workplaces and perhaps at your home as well. Here we are clearly demonstrating the power of robotics in manufacturing business, How we're making future ready factory with the use of technology. We are teaching the robot where is a real to real, and real to SIM. Then we are using NVIDIA Omnivorce to simulate data, create synthetic data and create multiple scenarios which robot can be able to identify what is good, what is bad. And then finally we come to the deployment when the robot is picking up what is the right item, what is the bad item, What is something else got nothing to do with manufacturing like chocolate which I love to eat. If you look at it here, there are two relays, one which is the correct one, the other one which is the faulty one. Now this robot is going to pick up the right one to the right bin and the faulty one to the faulty one. So that no faulty relay is going to the production flow. It will keep learning and will keep modifying. So that the accuracy of this robotic arm keeps on improving the everyday. What you have seen here is going to be real. It will improve the experience of everyone like you and I and that's the power which you are bringing to the future ready manufacturer.