CHROS are the chief architects of modern purpose driven workplaces, steering the organization's work culture and performance, Fostering a positive work environment, promoting employee well-being and enhancing the overall employee experience through a human centric HR operating model powered by technologies like GenAI, AI, AI analytics and automation Delivering sustained growth and competitive differentiation in a dynamic market environment. How can CHROS transform their workplace and workforce with pace and agility amid a complex and ever evolving technology landscape while still keeping the human in Human resources? TCS Cognix™ for HR, an AI powered human machine collaboration suite, can accelerate the technology adoption for better results. Backed by TCS rich contextual knowledge and domain experience, Cognix™ for HR uses advanced technology orchestration and has an array of customized business outcome focused, ready to use digital solutions called Value Builders. Gen AI based automated job description creator for improved hiring. AI powered sentiment analysis for better workforce decisions. GenAI powered multilingual employee help desk for faster resolution of employee queries. Payroll command centre with an integrated view of key metrics for improved efficiency and timelines Learning in a Box an integrated platform solution for end to end talent development capabilities. Discover new frontiers of growth and value creation with TCS Cognix™ for HR Visit us to know more.