Welcome to TCS Innovation Forum here on Roosevelt Island, home of TCS Passport Connell Tech University. We have assembled a team of people from our customer network to discuss how agile, business focused and collaborative strategies can help solve today's business problems. There are several startup partners in the room with the kind of energy that they're bringing in from Silicon Valley from the East Coast of the US are at the cutting edge of tomorrow's technologies. The topic for the event was carefully selected, but at the same time it just jumped out at us in terms of being designing resilient and responsible enterprises. It is all about the future of industry. Automation is not about just automation. It is about automation of knowledge ecosystems. If we are unable to do this, the amount of value that enterprises can realize is going to be significantly limiting. And there comes the concept of large language models. I've come to believe that two aspects of culture a being a learning organization and being open to ideas and absorbing everything and being open to change.