And we had started a relationship with TCS back when we were really exiting a less than desirable outsourcing arrangement. We're really looking for a partner that understood what our needs were and they could really, I would say, have that cultural alignment, that understood Lexmark, what we were trying to accomplish and could really come in and deliver value. That was the genesis of our relationship with TCS. Now here we are almost 14 years later and you know that relationship. Has continued to grow, right and where we used to have multi vendors providing support to Lexmark, today we only have TCS. Now we've had projects and engagements over the past 14 years that have touched every part of our company. We had an SAP deployment 10 years ago that TCS played a key role in. We have had the our move to the cloud. TCS has been with us on the journey to reduce operational defects and in the last year we reduced the number of severity 1 severity. 2 defects. By 40%, which is a tremendous outcome, but actually it was in a year where we drove significant change into our Productivity Tools and our e-mail platforms into our CRM system. Despite all of that change, they were still able to help reduce our cost of our number of defects by 40%. At the same time, what we saw in a year over year improvement as TCS was leveraging automation improvements and benefits from the cloud was a 30% similar, 30% reduction in cost. That's what makes TCS different, that's what makes TCS different for Lexmark is that in each step of our journey over the last 14 years is that we have been and we have been a partnership. When there have been challenges whether it was in our ERP rollout or operational moves or move to the cloud, TCS was with us every step of the way. And you know and we haven't forgotten that as we have looked at our. Journey from a partner perspective, you know we TCS went from being one of three partners that supported Lexmark to being the only partner that we have managing our data centers or hybrid cloud environment, our application management as well as our network managed services. Again, there are very few companies that really qualify as a partner because TCS has been willing to share in that risk and help us through some periods of very significant change. From a leadership perspective, again, I think it's important to start with what a definition of leadership might be. And in this context, leadership, that ability to drive beneficial change, to make things not just to change, not just to implement something, but to actually make it better. And that's an area that TCS has done an outstanding job for. Lexmark, A great example of that has been our move to the cloud, right TCS. That when Lexmark came to TCS and explained our desire to move to the cloud to try and get the benefits of a platform based service it collectively for the company. TCS came back with an offering, a very compelling offering and helped us design A hybrid solution that worked for Lexmark that allowed us to pull in AWS and Azure services into a cloud that TCS, TCS cloud and tie all that. Together in a single cohesive single environment and for Lexmark that has resulted in a significant cost savings business 4.0 is a is a very interesting topic. It's one that we see aligning very well with our future road map. The way that Lexmark sees its own evolution not only in IT but in some cases how we deliver products and services to our customers. And we believe that TCS is going to be the company to help us define that and unlock that value. To really deliver this next generation of products to our customers.