A long wait at the airport can mar the experience of a passenger looking forward to a joyful flight.
Airports need to focus their resources on ensuring seamless passenger experience. It’s little wonder then that staff at immigration, security screening counters are stretched to the hilt while endeavouring to offer a pleasant experience to travellers.
Is there a better way for airports to manage the flow of passengers through the airport? Can airports work with their aviation partners to recommend an optimal time for the arrival of passengers at the airport? What can the airport do to ensure the workforce across different touchpoints are empowered to deliver the “service” expected of them consistently?
There is a growing trend among airports to influence the experiences of the traveler.
The different partners, ie airlines, ground handling agents (GHA), and concessionaires, the workforce, immigration, security, and customs departments. The ultimate objective is to provide a seamless and connected travel experience that is worthy of the passenger’s time and money.
To ensure such a seamless engagement, airport operator should take control of the experiences of passengers, airport community stakeholders, and retail and food and beverage partners. There are challenges galore, of course. There is, for instance, reluctance to share data across enterprises, technical limitations for sharing data across the travel partners community, concerns of data security, anti-competition clauses, and the safety of enterprise business intelligence.
As each passenger’s travel needs differ, all stakeholders must contribute towards multiple aspirations.
From ‘Instagram-worthy’ memorable journey to a rejuvenating one, an experience of joy that stems from the reunion of friends and family, or hassle-free means of getting from one place to the other. Several organizations need to come together to deliver these aspirations and expectations.
Airports, however, are constrained by varying demands on their resources.
They seek opportunities to enhance their operational outcomes. Enhanced operational efficiencies contribute towards a seamless passenger experience by reducing wait times at different touchpoints-- check-in, security, bag drop.
Efficient collaboration among stakeholders helps drive punctual flight departures, leading to a positive impact on passenger experience. Delays and disruptions cause service standards to drop, resulting in frayed nerves, and heightened levels of stress and anxiety for passengers.
Airports play a pivotal role in delivering operational efficiencies through innovative thinking and by adopting new-age technologies. Optimizing the flow of passengers is critical in this endeavor.
Streamlining passenger experience is, therefore, an essential responsibility of the airport operator.
One way to achieve this is to ensure ease of travel through the airport with minimal wait times at the touchpoints. Optimizing the flow of passengers with appropriate resources at check-in, bag drop, security, and immigration counters is key to reduced wait times and a perceived level of comfort.
A static way of working with fixed check-in counters, security lanes, and immigration desks at border control hamper the smooth flow of passengers through airports. This fixed way of working in busy airports with space and resource constraints may not always be conducive to respond to changes in demand.
Effective management of the flow of passengers requires: a) an understanding of the different arrival times of the passengers at the airport, b) evaluating the time it takes them to complete essential processes like check-in, bag drop, security checks, c) ascertaining the number of active resources like check-in desks, security lanes, immigration officers that are required, d) predicting the touchpoint resource requirements based on historical patterns, e) performing what-if/if-what simulations for situations that might evolve during the day, and f) delivering these insights to relevant stakeholders in a timely manner to augment decisions with systemic intelligence.
Airports should focus on four key elements as cornerstones in their approach to solve this problem.
The four cornerstones can contribute to the airport’s ability to overcome current challenges and offer seamless passenger experience.
It will also help them comply with regulatory standards and align their operations to the ecosystem-wide business objectives.
With this transformed way of working, airports can help passengers experience a happier journey through the airport with less time spent in queues. They will have a much better visibility of wait times and congestion at different touchpoints. Airport partners, too, benefit from early visibility of what their staffing levels ought to be.