Design considerations for social robotics
Mentor : Junaid Ansari (ジュナイド アンサリ), Brojeshwar Bhowmick (ブロジェシュワル ボウミック )
The “social robots” are meant to live with humans and share their social, personal and interaction spaces. They can take many roles such as personal assistants for home and offices, nurses in healthcare scenarios, companions/pets for elderly and children care, and servicers in scenarios like hotels, restaurants, etc. Therefore, these robots have great potential in improving humans’ lives by augmenting the physical, social and psychological care and assistance of humans. However, while robots have significantly matured in terms of their perception and mobility capabilities, we are yet to exploit their full potential when dealing with humans. This is primarily because of the psychological aspect of human nature. For example, it is not enough for a robot to assist an elderly person in their cognitive (e.g. memory) or physical (e.g. mobility) functions, but it must also be able to interact in ways that help maintain their social and mental well being. Additionally, their appearance plays an important role in not only informing their abilities to their human partners but also evoke emotional responses.
The result of this short internship will be a brief study on some of the key design principles, both general and application specific, for social robots. As we have already discussed, design does not only include a robot’s physical appearance, but it also encompasses its modes of interaction, types of social behaviors, cognitive and physical abilities, etc., understanding these will help us design robots that are acceptable and effective in fulfilling their objective on a longer run. Such a study not only has the potential to inform the development process of an effective social robot but also helps us avoid robot designs that induce a sense of over expectation, leaving the target users unsatisfied.
Additionally, we also survey several commercially available off the shelf social robots (such as Misty, Aibo, Pepper, etc.) and compare their design aspects for social applications. This aware us of the current status of such robots and helps us identify potential gaps.
TCS Research
リサーチャー Junaid Ansari (ジュナイド アンサリ):写真右
シニアサイエンティスト Dr.Brojeshwar Bhowmick (ブロジェシュワル ボウミック):写真左